Lulu Reads To Zeki - Anna Mcquinn & Rosalind Beardshaw
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Lulu Reads to Zeki


By (author) Anna McQuinn , Illustrated by Rosalind Beardshaw
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Lulu's mum and dad use stories to prepare her for the arrival of a new sibling and make sure they still have time for her and her stories once baby Zeki arrives. So, Lulu believes every problem can be solved with a story she always chooses just the right one to read to her new baby brother.

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Age Suitability:

Dimensions: 24.5 x 21 x 0.3 cm

Book Type: Paperback / softback

Pages: 32

Publishing Date: 20130301

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Lulu’s new baby brother, Zeki cries a lot. But his book-loving sister has the solution: when he’s upset, she reads him a funny story; when he needs a new nappy, she reads him her favourite potty book and when he cries in the bath, she reads him her best duck book. Fortunately, Zeki also sleeps a lot too and that gives Lulu plenty time for her own reading.

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