Pre-Order Timelines

Estimated dispatch timelines for pre-orders and delayed dispatch items. Please see individual product listings for the latest updates, and see below for our FAQ.

Books Please allow a little longer for dispatch if your book is not available for Priority Delivery
Maileg Please see blue badge & Shipping Information on product listing
Smallfoot Dispatch within approx. 2-3 weeks
Tonies (New) Dispatch from the 20th of the month

Please see blue badge & Shipping Information on product listing


Pre-order FAQs

Please see the badge on the product listing (near image) for approximate timeframe, and the Shipping Information on the product listing for more details.

Please note, pre-order timeframes are not a guarantee.

Yes. At any time before your item ships you can cancel your pre-order. You are of course entitled to return your order after receipt if you no longer want it.

We will ship your order as a whole when we receive the pre-order items at our warehouse. We highly recommend checking out any non-pre-order items you require to receive sooner on a separate order.

If you wish to have your order partially dispatched, please note that a shipping fee will apply to each individual shipment if it is under the free shipping threshold.

Klarna payments must be captured by the retailer within 28 days of the order being placed.
This usually happens automatically upon dispatch, however, if your pre-order is due to ship after the 28 days, your payment will be captured before it expires.