The best teaching methods can vary depending on the teacher and the students, but we believe there is no single 'silver bullet' to solve all educational hurdles. Whether the learning environment is 'teacher-centred' or 'student-centred', if the methods are considered high or low tech, the goal is the same. These activities are designed to develop academic knowledge through a series of games and challenges, that can be enjoyed by educators and students a-like.
The SumBlox ecosystem is an almost perfect embodiment of Kinesthetic learning in action. Children learn through the gamification of subject matter, and the repetition of certain mathematical concepts through a variety of activities, avoiding burnout or boredom.
This deck of 80 activity cards is designed for a set of SumBlox including 80 blocks.
Innovative Maths Blocks
SumBlox are an innovative way to develop maths skills. Learning to count, add, subtract, multiply and much more is as simple as stacking building blocks. SumBlox are solid wood stacking number blocks designed to improve numeracy and make learning more accessible, more fun, and more exciting. They encourage both hand-eye coordination and improve motor skills. Smaller sets of SumBlox will introduce individual children to learning with SumBlox and larger sets allow exploration of more complex concepts, and further cooperation with other learners. There is endless potential to learn with building blocks, and the freedom to create something beautiful is confined only to your imagination!